include/mtx/requests.hpp file

Structs for for requests to the Matrix API.


namespace mtx
Top level namespace for mtxclient.
namespace mtx::requests
Namespace for request structs.


struct mtx::requests::CreateRoom
Request payload for the POST /_matrix/client/r0/createRoom endpoint.
struct mtx::requests::login_identifier::User
The user is identified by their Matrix ID.
struct mtx::requests::login_identifier::Thirdparty
The user is identified by a third-party identifier in canonicalised form.
struct mtx::requests::login_identifier::PhoneNumber
The user is identified by a phone number.
struct mtx::requests::Login
Request payload for the POST /_matrix/client/r0/login endpoint.
struct mtx::requests::RequestEmailToken
Request payload for POST /_matrix/client/r0/{register,account/password}/email/requestToken
struct mtx::requests::RequestMSISDNToken
Request payload for POST /_matrix/client/r0/{register,account/password}/msisdn/requestToken
struct mtx::requests::IdentitySubmitToken
Validate ownership of an email address/phone number.
struct mtx::requests::AvatarUrl
Request payload for the POST /_matrix/client/r0/profile/{userId}/avatar_url endpoint.
struct mtx::requests::DisplayName
Request payload for the PUT /_matrix/client/r0/profile/{userId}/displayname endpoint.
struct mtx::requests::RoomMembershipChange
Request payload for the POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/invite endpoint as well as ban, unban and kick.
struct mtx::requests::TypingNotification
Request payload for the PUT /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/typing/{userId} endpoint.
struct mtx::requests::DeviceUpdate
Request payload for the PUT /_matrix/client/r0/devices/{deviceId} endpoint.
struct mtx::requests::PublicRoomVisibility
Request payload for the PUT /_matrix/client/r0/directory/list/room/{roomId} endpoint.
struct mtx::requests::PublicRooms
Request payload for the POST /_matrix/client/r0/publicRooms endpoint.
struct mtx::requests::Empty
An empty response.
struct mtx::requests::SignedOneTimeKey
A signed onetime key. Usually curve25519.
struct mtx::requests::UploadKeys
Upload a mix of device, one time and fallback keys.
struct mtx::requests::QueryKeys
Query the keys of devices of specific users.
struct mtx::requests::ClaimKeys
Claim onetime keys of devices of specific users.
struct mtx::requests::KeySignaturesUpload
Upload new signatures for a device or cross-signing key.
struct mtx::requests::DeviceSigningUpload
Upload cross signing keys.
struct mtx::requests::PusherData
Information about a pusher.
struct mtx::requests::SetPusher
Request payload for the POST /_matrix/client/r0/pushers/set endpoint.