mtx::crypto namespace

Cryptography related types.


struct AccountObject
Wrapper for the olm account object.
class crypto_exception
Exception thrown for various encryption related errors (not reported by olm), that generally should not be ignored.
struct CURVE25519_AES_SHA2_Encrypted
Base64 encoded CURVE25519_AES_SHA2 encrypted text, including the mac and ephemeral key.
struct ExportedSession
An exported megolm group session.
struct ExportedSessionKeys
A list of exported sessions.
struct GroupPlaintext
Return value from decrypting a group message.
struct HkdfKeys
HKDF key derivation with SHA256 digest.
struct IdentityKeys
A pair of keys connected to an olm account.
struct InboundSessionObject
Wrapper around the olm object for inbound group sessions used to decrypt messages in matrix rooms.
class olm_exception
Errors returned by the olm library.
class OlmClient
Client for all the cryptography related functionality like olm accounts, session keys encryption, signing and a few more things.
struct OlmDeleter
Deleter type to pass as a template argument to most smart pointers.
struct OneTimeKeys
A list of one time keys.
struct OutboundSessionObject
Wrapper around the outbound olm session object used to encrypt outbound group messages in matrix rooms.
struct PkDecryptionObject
Wrapper for the olm object to do Private Key Decryption.
struct PkEncryptionObject
Wrapper for the olm object to do Private Key Decryption.
struct PkSigning
Helper to sign arbitrary messages using an ed25519 key.
struct PkSigningObject
Wrapper for the olm object to do Private Key Signing.
struct SAS
Helper to generate Short Authentication Strings (SAS)
struct SASObject
Olm type for Short Authentication Strings.
struct SessionObject
Wrapper around olm sessions used for to device encryption.
struct UtilityObject
Wrapper for the Olm utility object.


using BinaryBuf = std::vector<uint8_t>
Data representation used to interact with libolm.


template<class T>
auto pickle(typename T::olm_type* object, const std::string& key) -> std::string
Serialize olm objects into strings encrypted using key to persist them on non volatile storage.
template<class T>
auto unpickle(const std::string& pickled, const std::string& key) -> std::unique_ptr<typename T::olm_type, OlmDeleter>
Deserialize olm objects from strings encrypted using key previously persisted on non volatile storage.
auto session_id(OlmSession* s) -> std::string
Retrieve the session id for an Olm session.
auto session_id(OlmOutboundGroupSession* s) -> std::string
Retrieve the session id.
auto session_key(OlmOutboundGroupSession* s) -> std::string
Retrieve the session key from an outbound megolm session.
auto import_session(const std::string& session_key) -> InboundGroupSessionPtr
Create an inbound megolm session from an exported session key.
auto matches_inbound_session(OlmSession* session, const std::string& one_time_key_message) -> bool
Checks if an inbound session matches a pre key message.
auto matches_inbound_session_from(OlmSession* session, const std::string& id_key, const std::string& one_time_key_message) -> bool
Checks if an inbound session matches a pre key message.
auto encrypt_exported_sessions(const mtx::crypto::ExportedSessionKeys& keys, const std::string& pass) -> std::string
Encrypt the exported sessions according to the export format from the spec.
auto decrypt_exported_sessions(const std::string& data, const std::string& pass) -> mtx::crypto::ExportedSessionKeys
Decrypt the exported sessions according to the export format from the spec.
auto verify_identity_signature(const DeviceKeys& device_keys, const DeviceId& device_id, const UserId& user_id) -> bool
Verify a signature object as obtained from the response of /keys/query endpoint.
auto ed25519_verify_signature(std::string signing_key, nlohmann::json obj, std::string signature) -> bool
Verify an ed25519 signature.
template<class T>
auto create_olm_object() -> std::unique_ptr<typename T::olm_type, OlmDeleter>
Allocates an olm object using the mtxclient wrapper type.
auto create_buffer(std::size_t nbytes) -> BinaryBuf
Create a uint8_t buffer which is initialized with random bytes.
auto to_binary_buf(std::string_view str) -> BinaryBuf
Convert a string to a binary buffer.
auto to_string(const BinaryBuf& buf) -> std::string
Convert a binary buffer to a string.
auto compatible_iv(BinaryBuf incompatible_iv) -> BinaryBuf
Sets bit 63 to 0 to be compatible with other AES implementations.
auto key_to_recoverykey(const BinaryBuf& key) -> std::string
encodes a recovery key in base58 with parity and version tag,
auto PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA_512(const std::string& pass, const BinaryBuf& salt, uint32_t iterations, uint32_t keylen = 64) -> BinaryBuf
Simple wrapper around the OpenSSL PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC function.
auto key_from_passphrase(const std::string& password, const mtx::secret_storage::AesHmacSha2KeyDescription& parameters) -> std::optional<BinaryBuf>
Derive the SSSS decryption key from a passphrase using the parameters stored in account_data.
auto key_from_recoverykey(const std::string& recoverkey, const mtx::secret_storage::AesHmacSha2KeyDescription& parameters) -> std::optional<BinaryBuf>
Derive the SSSS decryption key from a base58 encoded recoverykey using the parameters stored in account_data.
auto decrypt(const mtx::secret_storage::AesHmacSha2EncryptedData& data, const BinaryBuf& decryptionKey, std::string_view key_name) -> std::string
Decrypt a secret from SSSS.
auto encrypt(const std::string& data, const BinaryBuf& decryptionKey, std::string_view key_name) -> mtx::secret_storage::AesHmacSha2EncryptedData
Encrypt a secret for SSSS.
auto CURVE25519_AES_SHA2_Encrypt(const std::string& plaintext, const std::string& base64_publicKey) -> CURVE25519_AES_SHA2_Encrypted
encypts a plaintext payload using CURVE25519_AES_SHA2
auto CURVE25519_public_key_from_private(const BinaryBuf& privateKey) -> std::string
returns base64 encoded pubkey
auto encrypt_session(const mtx::responses::backup::SessionData& data, const std::string& publicKey) -> mtx::responses::backup::EncryptedSessionData
encrypt a session for online key backup
auto decrypt_session(const mtx::responses::backup::EncryptedSessionData& data, const BinaryBuf& privateKey) -> mtx::responses::backup::SessionData
Decrypt a session retrieved from online key backup.
auto sha256(const std::string& data) -> std::string
Sha256 a string.
auto decrypt_file(const std::string& ciphertext, const mtx::crypto::EncryptedFile& encryption_info) -> BinaryBuf
Decrypt matrix EncryptedFile.
auto encrypt_file(const std::string& plaintext) -> std::pair<BinaryBuf, mtx::crypto::EncryptedFile>
Encrypt matrix EncryptedFile.
auto unpack_key_file(const std::string& data) -> std::string
Translates the data back into the binary buffer, taking care to remove the header and footer elements.
auto base642bin(const std::string& b64) -> std::string
Convert base64 to binary.
auto bin2base64(const std::string& bin) -> std::string
Encode a binary string in base64.
auto base642bin_unpadded(const std::string& b64) -> std::string
Decode unpadded base64 to binary.
auto bin2base64_unpadded(const std::string& bin) -> std::string
Encode binary in unpadded base64.
auto base642bin_urlsafe_unpadded(const std::string& b64) -> std::string
Decode urlsafe, unpadded base64 to binary.
auto bin2base64_urlsafe_unpadded(const std::string& bin) -> std::string
Encode binary in urlsafe, unpadded base64.
auto bin2base58(const std::string& bin) -> std::string
Encode binary in base58.
auto base582bin(const std::string& bin) -> std::string
Decode base58 to binary.


std::string_view ED25519 constexpr
Constant for ed25519 keys.
std::string_view CURVE25519 constexpr
Constant for curve25519 keys.
std::string_view SIGNED_CURVE25519 constexpr
Constant for signed curve25519 keys.
std::string_view MEGOLM_ALGO constexpr
The algorithm used for group messages.

Typedef documentation

typedef std::vector<uint8_t> mtx::crypto::BinaryBuf

Data representation used to interact with libolm.

Data representation used to interact with libolm. It's a contiguous buffer of bytes.

Function documentation

template<class T>
std::string mtx::crypto::pickle(typename T::olm_type* object, const std::string& key)

Serialize olm objects into strings encrypted using key to persist them on non volatile storage.

template<class T>
std::unique_ptr<typename T::olm_type, OlmDeleter> mtx::crypto::unpickle(const std::string& pickled, const std::string& key)

Deserialize olm objects from strings encrypted using key previously persisted on non volatile storage.

std::string mtx::crypto::session_id(OlmSession* s)

Retrieve the session id for an Olm session.

std::string mtx::crypto::session_id(OlmOutboundGroupSession* s)

Retrieve the session id.

std::string mtx::crypto::session_key(OlmOutboundGroupSession* s)

Retrieve the session key from an outbound megolm session.

InboundGroupSessionPtr mtx::crypto::import_session(const std::string& session_key)

Create an inbound megolm session from an exported session key.

bool mtx::crypto::matches_inbound_session(OlmSession* session, const std::string& one_time_key_message)

Checks if an inbound session matches a pre key message.

Use matches_inbound_session_from() instead.

bool mtx::crypto::matches_inbound_session_from(OlmSession* session, const std::string& id_key, const std::string& one_time_key_message)

Checks if an inbound session matches a pre key message.

std::string mtx::crypto::encrypt_exported_sessions(const mtx::crypto::ExportedSessionKeys& keys, const std::string& pass)

Encrypt the exported sessions according to the export format from the spec.

mtx::crypto::ExportedSessionKeys mtx::crypto::decrypt_exported_sessions(const std::string& data, const std::string& pass)

Decrypt the exported sessions according to the export format from the spec.

bool mtx::crypto::verify_identity_signature(const DeviceKeys& device_keys, const DeviceId& device_id, const UserId& user_id)

Verify a signature object as obtained from the response of /keys/query endpoint.

bool mtx::crypto::ed25519_verify_signature(std::string signing_key, nlohmann::json obj, std::string signature)

Verify an ed25519 signature.

template<class T>
std::unique_ptr<typename T::olm_type, OlmDeleter> mtx::crypto::create_olm_object()

Allocates an olm object using the mtxclient wrapper type.

BinaryBuf mtx::crypto::create_buffer(std::size_t nbytes)

Create a uint8_t buffer which is initialized with random bytes.

BinaryBuf mtx::crypto::to_binary_buf(std::string_view str)

Convert a string to a binary buffer.

std::string mtx::crypto::to_string(const BinaryBuf& buf)

Convert a binary buffer to a string.

BinaryBuf mtx::crypto::compatible_iv(BinaryBuf incompatible_iv)

Sets bit 63 to 0 to be compatible with other AES implementations.

std::string mtx::crypto::key_to_recoverykey(const BinaryBuf& key)

encodes a recovery key in base58 with parity and version tag,

BinaryBuf mtx::crypto::PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA_512(const std::string& pass, const BinaryBuf& salt, uint32_t iterations, uint32_t keylen = 64)

Simple wrapper around the OpenSSL PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC function.

std::optional<BinaryBuf> mtx::crypto::key_from_passphrase(const std::string& password, const mtx::secret_storage::AesHmacSha2KeyDescription& parameters)

Derive the SSSS decryption key from a passphrase using the parameters stored in account_data.

std::optional<BinaryBuf> mtx::crypto::key_from_recoverykey(const std::string& recoverkey, const mtx::secret_storage::AesHmacSha2KeyDescription& parameters)

Derive the SSSS decryption key from a base58 encoded recoverykey using the parameters stored in account_data.

std::string mtx::crypto::decrypt(const mtx::secret_storage::AesHmacSha2EncryptedData& data, const BinaryBuf& decryptionKey, std::string_view key_name)

Decrypt a secret from SSSS.

mtx::secret_storage::AesHmacSha2EncryptedData mtx::crypto::encrypt(const std::string& data, const BinaryBuf& decryptionKey, std::string_view key_name)

Encrypt a secret for SSSS.

CURVE25519_AES_SHA2_Encrypted mtx::crypto::CURVE25519_AES_SHA2_Encrypt(const std::string& plaintext, const std::string& base64_publicKey)

encypts a plaintext payload using CURVE25519_AES_SHA2

std::string mtx::crypto::CURVE25519_public_key_from_private(const BinaryBuf& privateKey)

returns base64 encoded pubkey

mtx::responses::backup::EncryptedSessionData mtx::crypto::encrypt_session(const mtx::responses::backup::SessionData& data, const std::string& publicKey)

encrypt a session for online key backup

mtx::responses::backup::SessionData mtx::crypto::decrypt_session(const mtx::responses::backup::EncryptedSessionData& data, const BinaryBuf& privateKey)

Decrypt a session retrieved from online key backup.

std::string mtx::crypto::sha256(const std::string& data)

Sha256 a string.

BinaryBuf mtx::crypto::decrypt_file(const std::string& ciphertext, const mtx::crypto::EncryptedFile& encryption_info)

Decrypt matrix EncryptedFile.

std::pair<BinaryBuf, mtx::crypto::EncryptedFile> mtx::crypto::encrypt_file(const std::string& plaintext)

Encrypt matrix EncryptedFile.

std::string mtx::crypto::unpack_key_file(const std::string& data)

Translates the data back into the binary buffer, taking care to remove the header and footer elements.

std::string mtx::crypto::base642bin(const std::string& b64)

Convert base64 to binary.

std::string mtx::crypto::bin2base64(const std::string& bin)

Encode a binary string in base64.

std::string mtx::crypto::base642bin_unpadded(const std::string& b64)

Decode unpadded base64 to binary.

std::string mtx::crypto::bin2base64_unpadded(const std::string& bin)

Encode binary in unpadded base64.

std::string mtx::crypto::base642bin_urlsafe_unpadded(const std::string& b64)

Decode urlsafe, unpadded base64 to binary.

std::string mtx::crypto::bin2base64_urlsafe_unpadded(const std::string& bin)

Encode binary in urlsafe, unpadded base64.

std::string mtx::crypto::bin2base58(const std::string& bin)

Encode binary in base58.

std::string mtx::crypto::base582bin(const std::string& bin)

Decode base58 to binary.

Variable documentation

std::string_view mtx::crypto::ED25519 constexpr

Constant for ed25519 keys.

std::string_view mtx::crypto::CURVE25519 constexpr

Constant for curve25519 keys.

std::string_view mtx::crypto::SIGNED_CURVE25519 constexpr

Constant for signed curve25519 keys.

std::string_view mtx::crypto::MEGOLM_ALGO constexpr

The algorithm used for group messages.