include/mtxclient/crypto/client.hpp file

Holds most of the crypto functions and errors as well as a Client, which does the Olm account bookkeeping for you.


namespace mtx
Top level namespace for mtxclient.
namespace mtx::crypto
Cryptography related types.


class mtx::crypto::olm_exception
Errors returned by the olm library.
struct mtx::crypto::GroupPlaintext
Return value from decrypting a group message.
struct mtx::crypto::SAS
Helper to generate Short Authentication Strings (SAS)
struct mtx::crypto::PkSigning
Helper to sign arbitrary messages using an ed25519 key.
class mtx::crypto::OlmClient
Client for all the cryptography related functionality like olm accounts, session keys encryption, signing and a few more things.
struct mtx::crypto::OlmClient::CrossSigningSetup
Data needed for bootstrapping crosssigning.
struct mtx::crypto::OlmClient::OnlineKeyBackupSetup
Data needed to setup the online key backup.
struct mtx::crypto::OlmClient::SSSSSetup
Data needed to setup SSSS.