include/mtxclient/crypto/objects.hpp file

Wrappers around the various Olm types.

The wrappers implement RAII semantics, so you don't need to free stuff manually.


namespace mtx
Top level namespace for mtxclient.
namespace mtx::crypto
Cryptography related types.


struct mtx::crypto::OlmDeleter
Deleter type to pass as a template argument to most smart pointers.
struct mtx::crypto::SASObject
Olm type for Short Authentication Strings.
struct mtx::crypto::UtilityObject
Wrapper for the Olm utility object.
struct mtx::crypto::PkDecryptionObject
Wrapper for the olm object to do Private Key Decryption.
struct mtx::crypto::PkEncryptionObject
Wrapper for the olm object to do Private Key Decryption.
struct mtx::crypto::PkSigningObject
Wrapper for the olm object to do Private Key Signing.
struct mtx::crypto::AccountObject
Wrapper for the olm account object.
struct mtx::crypto::SessionObject
Wrapper around olm sessions used for to device encryption.
struct mtx::crypto::InboundSessionObject
Wrapper around the olm object for inbound group sessions used to decrypt messages in matrix rooms.
struct mtx::crypto::OutboundSessionObject
Wrapper around the outbound olm session object used to encrypt outbound group messages in matrix rooms.