mtx::responses namespace

Namespace for the different types of responses.


namespace backup
KeysBackup related responses.
namespace utils
Different helper for parsing responses.


struct AccountData
Room specific Account Data events.
struct Aliases
A simple list of aliases.
struct Available
Some endpoints return this to indicate availability in addition to the http code (i.e. a username).
struct AvatarUrl
Response from the GET /_matrix/client/r0/profile/{userId}/avatar_url endpoint.
struct ClaimKeys
Response from the POST /_matrix/client/r0/keys/claim endpoint.
struct ContentURI
Represents the response of POST /_matrix/media/r0/upload
struct CreateRoom
Response from the POST /_matrix/client/r0/createRoom endpoint.
struct Device
Information about one of your devices.
struct DeviceLists
Information on e2e device updates.
struct Empty
Used to represent empty responses.
struct Ephemeral
The ephemeral events in the room that aren't recorded in the timeline or state of the room. e.g. typing.
struct EventId
An event id returned by the API.
struct FilterId
A filter id returned by the API.
struct HierarchyRooms
Response from the GET /_matrix/client/v1/rooms/{roomId}/hierarchy
struct IdentityProvider
Identity provider for SSO.
struct InvitedRoom
A room that the user has been invited to.
struct JoinedRoom
A room that the user has joined.
struct KeyChanges
Response from the GET /_matrix/client/r0/keys/changes endpoint.
struct KeySignaturesUpload
Request for POST /_matrix/client/r0/keys/upload.
struct KnockedRoom
A room that the user has knocked on.
struct LeftRoom
A room that the user has left or been banned from.
struct Login
Response from the POST /_matrix/client/r0/login endpoint.
struct LoginFlow
One supported login flow.
struct LoginFlows
Response from the GET /_matrix/client/r0/login endpoint.
struct Members
All the member events in a room.
struct Messages
Response of the GET /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/messages endpoint.
struct Notification
Description for a notification.
struct Notifications
Response from the GET /_matrix/client/r0/notifications endpoint.
struct OGImage
Represents an OpenGraph og:image.
struct Profile
Response from the GET /_matrix/client/r0/profile/{userId} endpoint.
struct PublicRooms
Response from the GET /_matrix/client/r0/publicRooms & POST /_matrix/client/r0/publicRooms endpoints.
struct PublicRoomVisibility
Response from the GET /_matrix/client/r0/directory/list/room/{roomId}endpoint.
struct QueryDevices
Response from the GET /_matrix/client/r0/devices endpoint.
struct QueryKeys
Response from the POST /_matrix/client/r0/keys/query endpoint.
struct Register
Response from the POST /_matrix/client/r0/register endpoint.
struct RegistrationTokenValidity
Response from the GET /_matrix/client/v1/register/m.login.registration_token/validity endpoint.
struct RequestToken
Responses to the /requestToken endpoints.
struct RoomId
A room id returned by the API.
struct Rooms
Room updates.
struct ServerInformation
The info about this server.
struct State
State events.
struct StateEvents
An array of state events.
struct Success
Some endpoints return this to indicate success in addition to the http code.
struct Sync
Response from the GET /_matrix/client/r0/sync endpoint.
struct Timeline
State and Room events.
struct ToDevice
Information on to_device events in sync.
struct TurnServer
Response of the GET /_matrix/client/r0/voip/turnServer endpoint.
struct UnreadNotifications
Counts of unread notifications for this room.
struct UploadKeys
Response from the POST /_matrix/client/r0/keys/upload endpoint.
struct URLPreview
Represents the response of GET /_matrix/media/v3/preview_url, see
struct Users
User directory search results.
struct Version
A new room version as returned by the room_keys/version API.
struct Versions
Response from the GET /_matrix/client/versions endpoint.
struct WellKnown
Response from the GET /.well-known/matrix/client endpoint. May also be returned from POST /_matrix/client/r0/login.


using Logout = Empty
The response for a logout.
using DisplayName = Empty
The response after changing your display name.
using RoomInvite = Empty
The response after inviting a user to a room.

Typedef documentation

using mtx::responses::Logout = Empty

The response for a logout.

using mtx::responses::DisplayName = Empty

The response after changing your display name.

using mtx::responses::RoomInvite = Empty

The response after inviting a user to a room.