include/mtx/user_interactive.hpp file

Header with types for user interactive authentication.


namespace mtx
Top level namespace for mtxclient.
namespace mtx::user_interactive
Types and definitions for user interactive authentication.
namespace mtx::user_interactive::auth_types
The different auth types.
namespace mtx::user_interactive::auth
namespace for the request types in the different auth stages.


struct mtx::user_interactive::Flow
A flow composed of a list of stages.
struct mtx::user_interactive::OAuth2Params
Parameters for oauth2.
struct mtx::user_interactive::PolicyDescription
The desciption of one policy in the terms and conditions.
struct mtx::user_interactive::Policy
A policy in the terms and conditions.
struct mtx::user_interactive::TermsParams
Parameters for the auth stage requiring you to accept terms and conditions.
struct mtx::user_interactive::Unauthorized
The struct returned on requests failing with 401.
struct mtx::user_interactive::auth::Password
Password stage.
struct mtx::user_interactive::auth::ReCaptcha
ReCaptcha stage.
struct mtx::user_interactive::auth::Token
Token stage.
struct mtx::user_interactive::auth::ThreePIDCred
Third party identifier for Email or MSISDN stages.
struct mtx::user_interactive::auth::EmailIdentity
Email authentication stage.
struct mtx::user_interactive::auth::MSISDN
SMS authentication stage.
struct mtx::user_interactive::auth::RegistrationToken
Registration token authentication stage.
struct mtx::user_interactive::auth::OAuth2
OAuth2, client retries with the session only, so I'm guessing this is empty?
struct mtx::user_interactive::auth::Terms
Empty struct, when parameters are accepted.
struct mtx::user_interactive::auth::SSO
Empty struct to complete SSO.
struct mtx::user_interactive::auth::Dummy
Empty struct to complete dummy auth.
struct mtx::user_interactive::auth::Fallback
Fallback auth.
struct mtx::user_interactive::Auth
The auth request to complete a stage.