include/mtx/responses/sync.hpp file

Response from the /sync API.


namespace mtx
Top level namespace for mtxclient.
namespace mtx::responses
Namespace for the different types of responses.


struct mtx::responses::AccountData
Room specific Account Data events.
struct mtx::responses::State
State events.
struct mtx::responses::Timeline
State and Room events.
struct mtx::responses::UnreadNotifications
Counts of unread notifications for this room.
struct mtx::responses::Ephemeral
The ephemeral events in the room that aren't recorded in the timeline or state of the room. e.g. typing.
struct mtx::responses::JoinedRoom
A room that the user has joined.
struct mtx::responses::LeftRoom
A room that the user has left or been banned from.
struct mtx::responses::InvitedRoom
A room that the user has been invited to.
struct mtx::responses::KnockedRoom
A room that the user has knocked on.
struct mtx::responses::Rooms
Room updates.
struct mtx::responses::DeviceLists
Information on e2e device updates.
struct mtx::responses::ToDevice
Information on to_device events in sync.
struct mtx::responses::Sync
Response from the GET /_matrix/client/r0/sync endpoint.