mtx::requests::SetPusher struct

Request payload for the POST /_matrix/client/r0/pushers/set endpoint.

Public variables

std::string pushkey
Required. Unique identifier for this pusher.
std::string kind
Required. The kind of pusher to configure. "http" makes a pusher that sends HTTP pokes. "email" makes a pusher that emails the user with unread notifications. null deletes the pusher.
std::string app_id
Required. This is a reverse-DNS style identifier for the application. If the kind is "email", this is "".
std::string app_display_name
Required. A string that will allow the user to identify what application owns this pusher.
std::string device_display_name
Required. A string that will allow the user to identify what device owns this pusher.
std::string profile_tag
Determines which set of device specific rules this pusher executes.
std::string lang
Required. The preferred language for receiving notifications.
PusherData data
Required. Data for the pusher implementation (for example, if kind is http, includes the URL to push to).
bool append
If true, add another pusher instead of updating an existing one.