include/mtx/pushrules.hpp file

Pushrules and notification settings.


namespace mtx
Top level namespace for mtxclient.
namespace mtx::events
Namespace for all events.
namespace mtx::events::collections
Contains heterogeneous collections of events using std::variant.
namespace mtx::pushrules
Namespace for the pushrules specific endpoints.
namespace mtx::pushrules::actions
Namespace for the different push actions.


struct mtx::pushrules::PushCondition
A condition to match pushrules on.
struct mtx::pushrules::actions::notify
Notify the user.
struct mtx::pushrules::actions::dont_notify
Don't notify the user.
struct mtx::pushrules::actions::coalesce
This enables notifications for matching events but activates homeserver specific behaviour to intelligently coalesce multiple events into a single notification.
struct mtx::pushrules::actions::set_tweak_sound
Play a sound.
struct mtx::pushrules::actions::set_tweak_highlight
Highlight the message.
struct mtx::pushrules::actions::Actions
A list of actions.
struct mtx::pushrules::PushRule
A pushrule defining the notification behaviour for a message.
struct mtx::pushrules::Ruleset
All the pushrules to evaluate for events.
struct mtx::pushrules::GlobalRuleset
The global ruleset applied to all events.
struct mtx::pushrules::Enabled
The response for queries, if a specific ruleset is enabled.
class mtx::pushrules::PushRuleEvaluator
An optimized structure to calculate notifications for events.
struct mtx::pushrules::PushRuleEvaluator::RoomContext
Additional room information needed to evaluate push rules.